
Implementing Menstrual Health Empowerment and Gender Equity Strategies
'Keeping Girls In School' Initiative
Securing Health Empowerment (S.H.E.) is an international organization, paving the way to an extensive and more sustainable solution to Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and other women-related health conditions. Our mission is to alleviate period poverty through increased access to affordable and reusable sanitary wear, educational workshops, improved Water and Sanitation (WASH) infrastructure in schools, and to advocate a widespread political and social dialogue.
S.H.E. is on a mission to ‘keep girls in school’ and works closely with schools in rural communities of Sub-Saharan Africa. Our objective is to help girls stay in school by creating a more conducive and gender-sensitive environment that enables them to participate more—inside and outside the classroom—with added confidence and dignity. We want to go beyond physical health and prioritize the general well-being of women and girls in policymaking.
Easily Accessible Information
In addition to fun and educational workshops, S.H.E. together with the help of AfriPads provides learning materials including, booklets with both culturally sensitive and age-appropriate comics.

Improving Gender Sensitivity in Schools
Dignity and privacy are often compromised in most rural settings as schools predominatly have open latrines that offer very little gender seclusions. In addition, lack of clean running water and period disposals, calls for a higher sanitation problem. We want to enhance gender-friendly facets to these school WASH facilities, and help make girls more comfortable when at school.
Greater Economic Participation
We want to see girls have a greater chance to enter the formal job market, and take up economic ventures further away from the homestead and be more competitive. By staying in school longer, potential job prospects increase and simultaneously reduce years spent in childbearing.

“On any given day, there are 800,000,000 people on the planet who are menstruating, of whom at least 500,000,000 lack adequate resources-basic supplies, facilities, information, and support for managing their periods.”
source: ACLU.ORG
Reusable Pads Program
For just 6€, we can supply one girl with an AFRIpad menstrual kit from our partners. These menstrual kits comprise reusable pads that can be used for up to one year and can be easily washed, dried, and stored. These will be accompanied by panties. Help us ensure that girls manage their periods safely and sustainably, and have one thing less to worry about each month. We are against unsustainable and expensive sanitary products that are out of reach for many girls and women living in poverty. The current pandemic and other social phenomena have worsened the circumstances for many. Join the movement and help us make an impact!
Statistics: Period Poverty
Of reproductive age menstruate every month constituting over half of the female population.
People lack access to adequate sanitation including clean water.
Experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) including physical and emotional symptoms.